Vibe coded the entire thing in JS using Grok AI, Claude, MidJourney for graphics and Suno for music. Sound FX by me (follow me  on X @SpiderMonkeyXYZ ) are the only thing I created without using AI.

You're a steam punk looking demon hunter trapped in Hell. Your only way to salvation is to save as many souls as possible and slay some demon ass using a range of weapons! 

You get points for number of demons killed, souls saved, and time taken to complete each level. Headshots kill bi-pedal enemies instantly and get you bonus points and restore health.

Watch out for your ammo and health, some rooms are behind locked doors that require keys to access. Killing some demons will reveal keys and power ups. 

Run out of Ammo? 3 slashes on an enemy with your dagger will cause  more Ammo to spawn on a random location on the map.

Your score accumulates as you progress through each level, but die and you lose all your points.


Works best with a game pad controller.  keyboard and mouse also work. - Touch screen controls coming soon!

  • Right trigger / spacebar = shoot
  • Right shoulder button / [   ] = switch weapon,
  • A button / z =  is melee attack / interacts with menu buttons.
  • Left analog stick /  w,a,s,d / arrow keys = movement 
  • Right analog stick / mouse =  look around & aim
  • Left trigger / hold shift = locks your aim onto an enemy so you don't lose target as you move around.

Leave a comment Share you high scores on X and @GetALife_Games for retweets! Donations greatly appreciated, this thing took me months, despite using AI for much of the heavy lifting.

If y'all show me love and dig it I will follow up with more enemies, weapons, grenades, flame throwers, shot gun and sniper rifle weapons! Also will make it online multiplayer!!!!

Good luck, and Godspeed!

My One man Indie Game studio :

Myself : 

Updated 4 days ago
Published 10 days ago
GenreAction, Shooter
Tags3D, AI Generated, Doom, Horror, Shoot 'Em Up, Third-Person Shooter